Competing in gymnastics or any other competitive sport is highly recommended to kids of all ages. It provides a rewarding challenge for them and teaches them some important life lessons! Here are some other reasons why gymnastics can be good for kids.
- Working towards a competition means that gymnasts will start to take the time to fine-tune and perfect their technique within a given deadline. This also builds their perseverance and goal-setting skills.
- By gymnasts learning to operate within rules, they can develop strategies within the given guidelines that will make their next competition experience a lot smoother.
- Performing in public gives gymnasts the opportunity to challenge themselves. This also helps with building their confidence and self esteem.
- Gymnasts can develop the ability to be persistent, and how to deal with disappointment if the routine does not go the way that they anticipated.
- Gymnasts can make new friends. Joining a club encourages children to make new friends during their training and also at any competition events.
- Gymnasts will start to value the hard work that goes into preparation for comp. This understanding can also be utilised in other tasks they complete later on in life.
- Competitions allow gymnasts to develop a positive mindset towards competing. It's not about winning but being the best version you can be!
For tips and tricks on how to positively prepare mentally for a comp, check out this blog!